Wednesday 20 March 2013

Shortcut for Shutting Down in Windows 8

Shortcut for Shutting  Down in Windows 8 

You can create shortcut for shutting down in Windows 8 right to our desktop and we can just shut down or restart our PC by just clicking the shortcut icon.

To create the shortcut just right click on the desktop and then select new shortcut and in the location type "shutdown.exe /s /t 00" for shutdown shortcut.

And for making restart shortcut on your desktop, just type "shutdown.exe /r /t 00" in the location bar.''

You can also assign icons for your shortcut and rename them as 'Restart' or 'Shutdown'  for your convenience.



There are other commands too for creating several other shortcuts like:

Log off shutdown.exe /l
Sleep or Hibernate rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Lock rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
Switch user tsdiscon.exe

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