Friday 24 May 2013

Change Facebook Style and Theme

Now you can change the theme or background color and style of your Facebook Account.
Now you can choose your favorite background color theme by a Firefox Add-on called Stylish.
Tired of using the old blue Facebook, So lets try something new.

Just follow these steps and refer to the youtube video below.

1) Launch Firefox and go to Add-Ons.
2) Now search for "stylish" in the search bar above.Now choose the add on as shown on the screen.
3) Go to userstyles or type
4) Now you can select your theme or style for Facebook.
5) Choose your favorite and then select Install Button.
6) Now you are done. Just open and refresh the page.

 You can see now how colorful and stylish my Facebook account looks. Now try yours with your favorite theme or color.

Refer to the Youtube video below and subscribe to our channel.

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